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Governing Board

The Governors of Eyres Monsell Primary School are proud of the opportunities offered to our pupils to develop the values, build on the knowledge and strengthen the skills essential for their future. 

The Governing Board consists of a combination of people who are elected by parents and staff, appointed by the City Council or co-opted by the Governing Board. School Governors help the Headteacher and staff to achieve the school aims. They make important decisions on how the school is run.  All governors initially serve for a period of four years. At the end of the four years, they can stand for re-election or be re-appointed.

Whenever there is a vacancy for a parent governor, this is advertised in newsletters and posters, with details on the election process.

Eyres Monsell Primary School does not have any associate members on the Governing Body.

How can I contact the school governors?

The governors can be contacted through the school office. Governors are also present at parents evenings so they are visible within the school environment.

What do governors do?

Governors are there to make sure the school is being led and managed effectively, financial resources are being used efficiently and the teaching is of a high standard.

Governors are responsible for strategic decisions about the school and its future. For instance they approve the annual budget and ratify policies for the school. They also appoint the Head Teacher.

While the Head Teacher is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school, school governors look at the bigger picture.

Governors are answerable to parents and the local authority for the school’s performance. As well as supporting the school and staff, governors are expected to challenge or question the performance of the head teacher and the school.

Governors are also involved in dealing with complaints from parents. Parents are encouraged to approach their child’s teacher and/or the Head Teacher in the first instance with any complaint. Governors only become involved when the satisfactory resolution of the complaint has not been possible.

What does it take to be a governor?

Governors don’t need any special qualifications. They just need enthusiasm, commitment, and an interest in contributing to the school. Training is provided for new governors.

Governors spend about 6 hours a month on school matters. They attend a full governing body meeting, usually once a term.

Most governors also sit on at least one smaller committee to look at specific areas of school life. These committees meet once a term and are responsible for:

- finance and and general purposes

- performance and standards

Governors also spend time reading papers, visiting the school and attending training.

The Chair of Governing Body is Cllr Elaine Pantling and can be contacted c/o Eyres Monsell Primary School by email or letter. 

Name Role Responsibility
Elaine Pantling Chair Safeguarding
Arran Smith Vice Chair SEND
Louise Sylie Co-opted Health & Safety
Pete McDaid Parent Mental Health & Wellbeing
Mary de Beer Parent Mental Health & Wellbeing
Cheryl Baker Co-opted Pupil Premium
Zaheera Omar-Davies Co-opted Curriculum
Christina Coyle Staff Curriculum
Vacancy Staff Curriculum
Vacancy Co-opted Finance